How to Resolve TLS Interruption Issues in Shopify


In the world of e-commerce, having a secure and reliable online platform is crucial for the success of any business. Shopify, being one of the leading e-commerce platforms, understands the importance of providing a secure environment for both merchants and customers. However, like any technology, it is not immune to occasional issues. One such issue that merchants may encounter is TLS (Transport Layer Security) interruption. In this article, we will explore what TLS interruption is, its potential causes, and most importantly, how to resolve it in the context of Shopify.


Understanding TLS Interruption

TLS is a cryptographic protocol that ensures secure communication over a computer network. It is widely used to establish a secure connection between a web server and a web browser. TLS interruption refers to the disruption or failure of the TLS handshake process, which is responsible for establishing this secure connection. When TLS interruption occurs, it can prevent customers from accessing a Shopify store or result in a warning message indicating that the site is not secure.


Common Causes of TLS Interruption in Shopify

There can be several reasons why TLS interruption occurs in Shopify. Here are some of the most common causes:


  1. Outdated TLS Version: If your Shopify store is using an outdated version of TLS, it may not be compatible with modern web browsers, leading to interruption issues. It is crucial to ensure that your store is using the latest TLS version supported by Shopify.


  1. Misconfigured SSL Certificate: An improperly configured SSL certificate can also cause TLS interruption. It is essential to double-check the SSL certificate installation and configuration to ensure it is set up correctly.


  1. Firewall or Network Configuration: Sometimes, firewall or network configurations can interfere with the TLS handshake process, causing interruption issues. Reviewing and adjusting the firewall and network settings can help resolve this problem.


  1. Third-Party Apps or Scripts:In some cases, third-party apps or scripts installed on a Shopify store can conflict with the TLS handshake process, leading to interruption. It is recommended to review and update all installed apps and scripts to ensure compatibility.


Resolving TLS Interruption Issues in Shopify

Now that we have identified the potential causes of TLS interruption in Shopify, let’s explore how to resolve these issues:


  1. Update TLS Version

To ensure compatibility with modern web browsers, it is crucial to update the TLS version used by your Shopify store. Shopify supports TLS 1.2 and higher. To update the TLS version, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Settings” and select “Payments.”
  3. Scroll down to the “Accept credit cards” section.
  4. Under “Security,” select the desired TLS version from the drop-down menu.
  5. Save the changes.
  6. Verify SSL Certificate Configuration

To resolve TLS interruption caused by a misconfigured SSL certificate, follow these steps to verify the configuration:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Settings” and select “Online Store.”
  3. Click on “Domains.”
  4. Under “SSL certificates,” check the status of your certificate.
  5. If the status is “Pending” or “Invalid,” follow the instructions provided by Shopify to resolve the issue.
  6. If the status is “Valid,” but you are still experiencing TLS interruption, consider re-installing the certificate or contacting your SSL certificate provider for assistance.


  1. Check Firewall and Network Settings

If firewall or network configurations are causing TLS interruption, follow these steps to review and adjust the settings:

  1. Contact your network administrator or hosting provider to ensure that the necessary ports for TLS communication are open.
  2. If you are using a firewall, review its settings and make sure it is not blocking the TLS handshake process.
  3. Consider temporarily disabling the firewall to see if it resolves the TLS interruption issue. If it does, consult with your network administrator or hosting provider to configure the firewall properly.


  1. Update or Remove Third-Party Apps and Scripts

To address TLS interruption caused by conflicting third-party apps or scripts, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Apps” and review the list of installed apps.
  3. Update any outdated apps to their latest versions.
  4. If you suspect a specific app or script is causing the issue, try temporarily disabling it to see if the TLS interruption problem resolves.
  5. If disabling the app or script resolves the issue, consider contacting the app developer for assistance or finding an alternative solution.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


Q1: What is TLS interruption?

TLS interruption refers to the disruption or failure of the TLS handshake process, which is responsible for establishing a secure connection between a web server and a web browser.


Q2: What causes TLS interruption in Shopify?

Common causes of TLS interruption inShopify include outdated TLS versions, misconfigured SSL certificates, firewall or network configuration issues, and conflicts with third-party apps or scripts.


Q3: How can I update the TLS version in Shopify?

To update the TLS version in Shopify, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Settings” and select “Payments.”
  3. Scroll down to the “Accept credit cards” section.
  4. Under “Security,” select the desired TLS version from the drop-down menu.
  5. Save the changes.


Q4: What should I do if my SSL certificate is misconfigured?

If your SSL certificate is misconfigured, follow these steps to verify the configuration:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Settings” and select “Online Store.”
  3. Click on “Domains.”
  4. Under “SSL certificates,” check the status of your certificate.
  5. If the status is “Pending” or “Invalid,” follow the instructions provided by Shopify to resolve the issue.
  6. If the status is “Valid,” but you are still experiencing TLS interruption, consider re-installing the certificate or contacting your SSL certificate provider for assistance.


Q5: How can I address TLS interruption caused by third-party apps or scripts?

To address TLS interruption caused by conflicting third-party apps or scripts, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Shopify admin panel.
  2. Go to “Apps” and review the list of installed apps.
  3. Update any outdated apps to their latest versions.
  4. If you suspect a specific app or script is causing the issue, try temporarily disabling it to see if the TLS interruption problem resolves.
  5. If disabling the app or script resolves the issue, consider contacting the app developer for assistance or finding an alternative solution.



TLS interruption can be a frustrating issue for Shopify merchants, as it can prevent customers from accessing their online stores or raise security concerns. However, by understanding the potential causes and following the steps outlined in this article, merchants can effectively resolve TLS interruption issues in Shopify. Remember to keep your TLS version up to date, verify SSL certificate configurations, review firewall and network settings, and update or remove conflicting third-party apps or scripts. By taking these proactive measures, you can ensure a secure and uninterrupted shopping experience for your customers on Shopify.
