How to display json data on shopify page

To display JSON data on a Shopify page, you can use Liquid, Shopify’s templating language. Liquid provides built-in filters and tags that allow you to manipulate and display data. Here are the steps to display JSON data on a Shopify page:

  1. Retrieve the JSON data:First, you need to retrieve the JSON data and store it in a variable. You can fetch the data using Shopify’s API or any other method. Make sure you have the JSON data stored in the appropriate variable.
  2. Use Liquid tags: In your Shopify page template, use Liquid tags to reference and display the JSON data. Liquid tags are enclosed in double curly braces `{{ }}` to denote variables and expressions.
  3. Parse the JSON data: Use the `json` filter in Liquid to parse the JSON data and convert it into a Liquid object. For example, if your JSON data is stored in a variable called `json_data`, you can use `{{ json_data | json }}` to parse it.
  4. Access the JSON data: Once you have parsed the JSON data, you can use Liquid’s dot syntax to access its properties and values. For example, if your JSON data has a property called `name`, you can use `{{ }}` to retrieve its value.
  5. Iterate over JSON arrays: If your JSON data is an array, you can use Liquid’s `for` loop to iterate over each element in the array. For example, if your JSON data is an array called `items`, you can use the following code to iterate over and display each item:



{% for item in json_data.items %}

<p>{{ }}</p>

{% endfor %}



This will display the name of each item on the page.

By using Liquid, you can easily display JSON data on a Shopify page. Familiarize yourself with Liquid’s syntax and filters to properly parse and display the JSON data. Depending on your requirements, you can use conditional statements, loops, and other Liquid features to further manipulate and display the JSON data.
